Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fire Safety Week and Silly Sock Day

Random, right? Well, next week is Fire Safety Week. My Girl Scout troop is going to visit a Fire Station, so they did a fire safety review/lesson and craft THIS week. And tonight, I'm working on making silly socks for my kindergarteners. They are learning the letter "S" so on Friday they do a silly sock day. Easy for girls, but I don't have as much stuff for the boys (bad Mommy, I know). Back to the Fire Safety Craft. I did a worksheet for the girls to take home and fill out where all their fire alarms are, their escape route,etc. Lots of boring fire safety rules and reminders - stop drop and roll, etc. BUT I try to make it fun. Then we did a craft. The girls had to trace their hands, then each finger became a firefighter. I made hats for them to put on each finger, and they used chenille or yarn, their choice, to make a fire hose for all 5 "Fire fighters" to hold. Then they drew or again used a craft item, to make water spraying out on a fire. It was really cute. Of course I forgot to take pictures, but I will snap my daughters' drawings and show you.

SOOOO for silly sock day, I took some of my fuzzy socks (one old pair, and two loners who's mates have disappeared) and mismatched two pairs for my two boys. Then I decided I needed googly eyes. Then I found pompoms in "boy" colors. SOOOO this is what I came up with.

Not bad for a quick and lazy craft tonight while I am battling a migraine.

Tomorrow, my BABY boy turns 3. Due to bad weather coming in we had to postpone his party a week (we rented a bouncy house and planned to BBQ). But we will still spend time together to celebrate. I will plug in my pazzles and get to working on a project to post, too. A quick and easy "thinking of you" card I have been meaning to get done. Doing my OWN wobbles, too! Should be interesting.

God Bless you and I hope you have a wonderful Friday! Please share my blog with friends, too! Don't just read it, FOLLOW it! Thank you so much for your support!

1 comment:

  1. Love the socks! Definitely silly! And I love that the girls are learning fire safety -- at least yours should already be pros! :)
