Sunday, October 21, 2012

Got my Mama a craftin'!

Even though I would often like to believe I was adopted, unfortunately I am not.  So, I just accept the role of "black sheep" in my family.  Well, I married the black sheep of his family, too, and together, we continue that legacy in both families, being the "oddballs". 
That being said, clearly, I am saying I am NOTHING like other members of my family.  My sister is 38, never been married, can't keep a job, and just had her first baby two months ago. So, she is raising her daughter as a "single mom" but my mom has more or less moved in with her as full time help.  They have a very very strange relationship.  I won't dwell on the oddities of my family, just explaining how DIFFERENT I am than the rest of them.  I have a brother, too, but we won't go there right now. 
 Even though I am not Suzi homemaker, I love to craft, cook and bake, etc etc.  My mom is not a good cook.  She takes pork chops and throws them in the oven for an hour and calls it dinner.  No seasonings, no marinade, just plain pork chops.  Or sometimes chicken.  My hubby and I have an entire cabinet of spices and add much flavoring to our food!  Mine and my mother's craft lives are much like this.  My mom likes to look at other people's crafts and say, "I just couldn't do that. I will just go to Hallmark."  Actually more like Wal-mart, but you get my point.
So, this all being said and having bored the pants off you, I got my mom to actually do some crafts yesterday!  She came over because she was bored and my sister took her baby to Denver. She wanted to just be upset, but I started showing off some cards I have been working on for a swap, and she perked up.  Then she had an idea.  So we tried it.  And she had another idea (so very weird!!) and next thing I knew, she actually made herself a set of 6 Halloween cards! 
They are very simple but very cute (she's a lazy crafter too!).  Just took me her 67 years to learn this about her!  She actually smiled, laughed and said a lot of positive things!  Ok, if you know my family, they thrive on negativity.  
So I thought I would show off her card.  Don't worry, she doesn't read my blog.  She is afraid of the Internet.  Despite all her oddities, I do love my mom.  I could complain about a lot of things I wish were different, but it's not necessary.  Keeping God in my life, mostly front and center (I'm not perfect), really gives me a different focus in life than the rest of my family. 
So here you have it, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!  haha, don't tell her I said that please.

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