Thursday, December 20, 2012

Do not live in fear...

The whole world seems to be falling apart, would you agree?  Okay, maybe that's extreme, and NO I don't believe the Mayan Calendar has predicted the end of the world.  We all know what happened in Newtown, CT. I feel a strong need to put my two cents in on the reactions I'm seeing on Facebook, and hearing what seems like EVERYWHERE. 

Do I believe stricter gun laws will help this circumstance?  Um, how exactly?  These are criminals. They aren't obtaining weapons legally anyway.  Now, before you go assuming I am a member of NRA or something, you should know I have never even held a gun of any kind in my hand. We do not own any guns, I don't even allow my children to use play guns. Nope, not even water guns. Many think I am nuts, but that is just how I feel.  Guns should not be treated as toys.  Yet I still do not believe more stringent gun laws will save our children from evil. 

You see, as you may have been reminded in our world of instant replies and social media, we have kicked GOD out of our lives.  By demanding that God be allowed ONLY in our homes, and not in every step of our lives, we invite Satan IN.  Satan has unbelievable control over our current society.  Why?  Because it isn't socially acceptable to accept JESUS as our Lord and Savior and to pray to GOD in any public forum. 

A number of people I know, as well as on numerous posts, have said they feel that they are better parents for home schooling, and at least they know their children as safe.  Others have removed their children from public school out of fear this will happen in their town.  Those individuals seem to feel that is what "good" parenting is all about.  That secluding your children from society will prevent them from falling victim to such horrific crimes as we have dealt with in our world.  I disagree.

By no means am I saying Home Schooling is wrong. I am not going to go on about what's right and what's wrong about every home, every family, how would I know?  We all have different needs. I am not passing judgement, I am simply sharing my opinion.

There is nothing I can do about a human being that is controlled by Satan.  NOTHING.  If I know OF that person, sure I can pray.  But ultimately, each person has free will (yep, given by GOD), and no matter how directly God may intervene, he or she is STILL left to make his or her own CHOICE to accept and follow God, or remain evil.  God does not FORCE humans to follow Him.  You know this, right?

If I choose to bring my children home and take them out of public school, in order to achieve the goal of "total protection", they can not participate in extracurricular activities such as Cheer leading, Dance, Wrestling, Soccer, Girl or Boy Scouts, etc.  IF my children are kept secluded from the outside world in order to convince myself I am protecting them, then one, once they are adults, how can they function in society?  If they have no idea what society IS, how can they function?  IF I keep my children home and secluded from the world outside the walls of our home, how can they spread the love of Jesus? How can they teach others to follow Him? 

As parents, we want to keep our children in our pockets and shielded 100% from the horrors of the world we live in.  But is that truly what is in their best interest?  My husband and I have been foster parents for well over 4 years.  We have BROUGHT the outside world INTO our home.  We have brought drug abuse, physical abuse, hatred, and SATAN into our home. We have taught children that drugs and alcohol and abuse is NOT the way God intends us to live.  We have taught our children to LOVE GOD for all He has done for us.  We have taught our children to BRING GOD to their biological parents.  We have taught our children to pray for others.  We have taught them not to be afraid to speak up ANYWHERE and offer prayer whenever it's needed, for whomever.  We say grace in public restaurants, despite the often "odd" looks we get from those around us.  We say Merry Christmas and may God bless you, in passing, in greeting, and in farewell to those we encounter daily.  We are far from perfect examples and I hope no one things that's what I'm implying.  But bringing GOD back into our world is the ONLY WAY to save it. 

Be the example to others.  You can't do that if you stay hidden.  When you say you will pray for someone, DO IT.  There is power in prayer.  When my daughter Tiana was hospitalized earlier this year, extremely ill, I felt a great deal of peace that I know came only from the dozens of prayers going  up asking God for that favor.  I know God loves me.  I know He knew what I needed.  But those prayers, well, I am getting teary eyed just thinking about how comforting they were for me at a very very frightening time.  He held me tight and comforted me with the love of all those praying for us.  I will never forget how that felt. 

So in short, which truly, I don't even understand HOW to accomplish, don't live in fear.  You can't control society any more than I can.  Or President Obama, or your state's governor, or ANY human being.  But what you CAN do, is be a good example.  Teach others the love of Christ.  SHOW them how fulfilling and rewarding life can be when you follow HIM and not Satan.  Let your children be examples.  Let your children show their love of God to those around them.  Don't allow them to live in fear.  Our world has always been and will always be full of evil and hate.  Don't contribute to it by NOT contributing to creating a positive society who does not judge, but instead, HELPS those afflicted. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, submit to Him and He will make your paths straight. 
                                                                                                         Proverb 3:5-6

Friday, December 7, 2012

Winter Wonderland Tea Party

I have to say, I was really nervous about decorating a table for the Winter Wonderland themed Tea Party at my church.  I volunteered for it, but didn't hear back until two days ago.  Then found out what all needed to be done.  I was sure my table would be a total fail. 
When I heard the theme was Winter Wonderland, my mind went straight to Blue, Silver and White decoration.  So I went through some things I had, and also managed to get to the store and do a little shopping.  The Tea is tomorrow, but we decorated tonight.  Here is my table as I stared at it trying to figure out what else I needed.  Besides silverware, duh!
Then things progressed, I had a big stash if items to the side, even though some of the ones I deemed "most important" were left behind on my craft table.  I hadn't planned to do napkin rings, cuz I'm just a dingbat.  BUT we had the BRILLIANT idea of using some of the decorative tags with twine and ribbon, as napkin rings.  This is how the complete table setting ended up looking...The two different designs made by my Pazzles Inspiration, were staggered at the table.
This tag has "snow" in between two layers.  It looks really really cute up close.

So, I'm not 100% thrilled, but I AM happy about the end result.  Whew!  I probably won't "win" but at least it looks nice!  By the way, my table was the ONLY one in blue and silver/white.  Most of them were red and one, right next to my table, was Alice in Wonderland.  Hmmm, it was done very well.  I may have just overthought the Winter Wonderland Theme.
Well the tea is tomorrow morning.  Have to get a cake done and get some sleep.  Have been up late every night this week fulfilling orders! 
If you haven't seen, I have a facebook page with pics of the scrappy items I sell, as well as crafts - once I actually get that part done anyway!  It's on facebook at
Have a beautiful weekend!!